Possible Origins
“Hi, my name is Momo the mouse,” I squeak out in a deep voice. “As you can see I’m not much bigger than your average house rodent.”
“I live in this tiny hole in the wall of an alleyway that has been covered by cardboard boxes for years, don’t know why actually. Maybe to keep dust from blowing into it or maybe to protect someone’s secret hiding place. Either way, it doesn’t matter because all I’ve ever known is darkness and dirt.”
We laugh together while contemplating what could be so important hidden away there for so long..

Emoji Translation
According To The Kids… “Anything Is Possible With A Willing Heart ” Can Be Encrypted As = 👯💫⛹💓
What Does It Mean?
One day, Milly’s mother told her that anything is possible with a willing heart. This made Milly very happy to know that she didn’t have to be afraid of something new.
When the family was looking for a lost toy one day, her mom encouraged them all to look around and not give up hope because they never knew what might happen.
That night, when everyone went upstairs for bed, Milly felt alone in the room so she set out on an adventure looking for something different. She found it by finding this beautiful cat who seemed lonely too! They both played together until morning came and led each other back home safely.
My Reaction Upon First Read
Lucky Numbers
8, 27, 46, 47, 51, 9.