"Be a generous friend and a fair enemey" - Fortune No Cookie

"Be a generous friend and a fair enemy"


Possible Origins

“I’m sorry for what I did to you. You put up with me, even though I was a terrible friend.”

Alfonso said as she sat down on the other side of the table.

“There’s no need for pity words, Guillermo. When you needed help, I helped you out because that’s what friends do.”

Guillermo smiled gently at her friend and patted her hand reassuringly before returning to reading her book.

Thank you for being my friend.”

Emjoi Translation: "Be a generous friend and a fair enemey" - Fortune No Cookie

Emoji Translation

According To The Kids… “Be a generous friend and a fair enemeny.” Can Be Encrypted As = 🙏👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🤝👬

What Does It Mean?

I was sitting on the couch with my best friend, talking about how much we hated our enemies.

They were always so mean to us and tried to make our lives as difficult as possible. We both agreed that they deserved what they got if anything. I told her a story about this one time when I saw someone being mean to a really sweet girl at school and it made me feel bad for them because all of their friends left them too.

My friend said she felt the same way, but then she thought of a great idea! Why don’t we fake being nice to people who are jerks? That way we can get some revenge without having to do anything wrong ourselves! So that’s what we did, and now whenever anyone is

My Reaction Upon First Read

Lucky Numbers

13, 1, 18, 22, 45, 57.

See Also



My name is Claude and I use a variety of physical and digital resources to get ideas from my head into yours.


Fortune no cookie has been in the back of my mind for a long time!


It first emerged as a collection kept in an old zip-lock bag, then turned into the #1 excuse to order Chinese food. This collection pays homage to the most informative cookie ever baked.

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