Possible Origin
“I can’t believe it, I’m so happy!” exclaimed Allen. He was talking about the new job he just got and his friends were congratulating him on getting such a prestigious position.
“Thanks, guys,” said Allen with a grin, “but this isn’t my first time working that kind of high-level status.”
His friends looked at him curiously and then they remembered that before they graduated from their University’s business school, Allen had been working for one of the best companies in the world as an intern while still in school.
And if we’re honest…he wasn’t really all too interested in not only finishing up classes but also finding some work experience while he was there?

Emoji Translation
According To The Kids… “Expect a change for the better in job or status in the future” = 📅😎👔💸
What Does It Mean?
“I don’t know what to do,” I said, my head in my hand. (My dad’s been unemployed for months and the rent is due.)“You have a job interview coming up,” he reminded me. He was always so positive about things! It was really starting to grate on my nerves, but it did give me a little hope.
“If you get this job at your father’s old company, we’ll be able to afford the rent,” he added cheerfully. I groaned and rolled my eyes while he went back to his desk like nothing had happened.
My Reaction Upon First Read
Lucky Numbers
13, 8, 43, 27, 54, 9.