Possible Origin
“Hey, I’m sorry. But you’ll never get anywhere with this.” He said, holding up the essay that was supposed to be my masterpiece.
I look over at him in defeat and he kicks his feet up on my desk. “What are we even doing here?” he asks me as I try not to cry for dear life while sitting in a chair next to him.
I shrug and take back the paper from him gently before setting it on fire like an old baby blanket…aka some childhood relic of sorts. “We’re done,” I reply and realize that it’s coming true more than ever now that I’ve decided to end things with him too because there’s no point in putting up with someone who

Emoji Translation
According To The Kids… “Our First Love Is Self… Love.” Can Be Encrypted As = 🥇💓💆🤗
What Does It Mean?
A girl was on her way to school. She had a big smile on her face and was giggling like crazy. Suddenly, she got hit by a car and died. The cause of death was an accident – the driver didn’t see the girl because it happened so quickly.
The next day, when people found out about what happend they were really sad for the loss of their friend but also really curious since they never knew this person before in their lives… It turns out that she died with very little sadness which puzzled everyone who heard about it. They went through all her social media profiles just to find anything that might have seemed off but there seemed to be no sign whatsoever of any problem until they saw one video clip from
My Reaction Upon First Read
Lucky Numbers
7, 16, 27, 43, 51, 19.