Possible Origins
I was out with my friends having a good time. I’m not usually one to spend money, but hey, you only live once right?
So we were drinking and smoking and dancing all night long.
It took me longer than usual to make the decision because I knew it would be hard for me to pay next month’s rent on time with this new purchase, but I felt like just this one time I should do what makes me happy now instead of worrying about tomorrow. And that’s when she found me again. She walked up next to us at the bar wearing leather pants and a tight t-shirt that read “I Ain’t Worried About Nothing.” She looked every inch the bad girl who could handle anything life threw her way.

Emoji Translation
According To The Kids… “Sometimes Money… Cost Too Much” Can Be Encrypted As = 🏧🤷💸👋
What Does It Mean?
My name is Brandon, but I don’t have time to talk your ear off about myself. Let me just say this: if you are low on money and need a loan, go see the Money Manager.
He is kind of shady looking. He has a long black cape with silver trimming- it looks like he stole it from an opera production company*. He also wears square glasses that make him look more intelligent than he actually is.
Don’t be fooled though; when people think intelligence they may not be thinking in terms of IQ points or standardized tests, they might instead feel like the person seems like someone who will give them good advice when they need guidance with their finances (even though he won’t). You want
My Reaction Upon First Read
Lucky Numbers
9, 22, 31, 37, 41, 18.