Possible Origin
Once upon a time, there was a very wealthy man who was also very intelligent. He had everything he could ever want and more. But one day, he met a very poor man who was also very wise. The poor man told the rich man that wealth is not a matter of intelligence it’s a matter of inspiration.
The rich man didn’t believe him at first, but after some time he decided to test out the poor man’s theory. So he gave away all his money and possessions and started living like the poor man. And guess what? After a while, he became just as wise and wealthy as the poor man!

Emoji Translation
According To The Kids… “Wealth Is Not A Matter Of Intelligence It’s A Matter of Inspiration. Can Be Encrypted As = ⚖📚➕💡
What Does It Mean?
Wealth is not a matter of intelligence, it’s a matter of inspiration. And if you don’t believe me, just ask the richest person in the world. They’ll tell you that their wealth is due to their ability to think big and come up with great ideas.
But what happens when you have all the brains in the world but no inspiration? You get a lot of smart people who are poor. And that’s why I always tell my students, “It’s not about how much you know, it’s about how much you want to learn.”
Of course, some people will never be able to understand this concept.
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3, 7, 43, 27, 43, 1.