Wherever you go, whenever you can,try to leave a gift

"Wherever you go, whenever you can,try to leave a gift"


Possible Origin

One day an old man was sitting on a park bench, feeding the pigeons. A young girl walked by and dropped a dollar into his hat. “Thank you,” he said.

The next day, the old man was back in the same spot with his hat out. The young girl walked by and once again dropped a dollar into his hat. “Thank you,” he said.

But on the third day, when the old man was sitting on the bench, there was no money in his hat. The young girl walked by and didn’t even notice him there. “It doesn’t matter,” thought the old man to himself. “I still got to enjoy those two days.”

Emoji Translation: 🌇🌃🌱🎁

Emoji Translation

According To The Kids… “Wherever you go, whenever you can,try to leave a gift. Can Be Encrypted As = 🌇🌃🌱🎁

What Does It Mean?

Hey, I’m the gift giver. Not sure if you’ve heard of me, but I like to go around and leave presents for people. It’s kind of my thing. I figure, wherever you go, whenever you can, try to leave a little something behind for the next person. It might make their day a little bit brighter.

I know it sounds cheesy, but it really works. Just think about how good it feels when someone does something nice for you out of the blue. It makes your day, right? Well, that’s what I’m trying to do with my gifts. Make somebody’s day a little bit better.

Plus, it’s just really fun to give gifts! Every time I

My Reaction Upon First Read

Lucky Numbers

2, 6, 37, 63 51, 14.



My name is Claude and I use a variety of physical and digital resources to get ideas from my head into yours.


Fortune no cookie has been in the back of my mind for a long time!


It first emerged as a collection kept in an old zip-lock bag, then turned into the #1 excuse to order Chinese food. This collection pays homage to the most informative cookie ever baked.

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