Possible Origins
Your friends are the ones who know you best. They’ve been there for your first, last and every other time in between. You may not be as close with them as a sibling or a parent but they make up what’s missing from those relationships, right?
Even when you’re going through tough times – it’s really hard to go through anything alone – they’ll always help out if they can. Your friends will support you even if it means just listening to what happened and letting their presence do all the talking.”

Emoji Translation
According To The Kids… “Write Your Life’s Events In A Journal” Can Be Encrypted As = 👇👬👭
What Does It Mean?
“What do you mean you have no friends?” I laughed in disbelief. “You’re kidding, right? You think you don’t have any friends just because your dad won’t let me over here anymore?” He looked down at his hands and then back up into my eyes before answering me. “I know that’s not why.”
I sighed heavily, running my fingers through the bristles of my unkempt hair. It had been a long day and I could feel the stinging sensation in the back of my throat form when I tried to swallow past it. My brother’s words echoed in my head until they faded out like echoes off a high ceiling: “You know what happens when little kids find out their parents
My Reaction Upon First Read
Lucky Numbers
11, 16, 20, 27, 65, 1.