Possible Origins
We all have passions in our lives that we feel strongly about and when we find something we love, it takes over and becomes a full time job. But how can you tell if this is really what you want? Is the pull strong enough to make it worth sacrificing your other interests for? And even if it is, will it still be everything you wanted when you get there?
Not everyone has an easy answer to these questions but I think one of the most important things to do before taking the plunge into any new venture, no matter how exciting or fulfilling, is to ask yourself: “what else?” Be honest with yourself about your priorities and values in life. What are the things that matter most and also give back best?

Emoji Translation
According To The Kids… “Your Passions Sweep You Away” Can Be Encrypted As = 🎤💃🕺🎷
What Does It Mean?
Nothing on earth sweeps our passions away like interpretive dancing with friends <3
My Reaction Upon First Read
Lucky Numbers
13, 17, 22, 35, 52, 49.