
"Your smile makes everyone realize that the world is a lovely and beautiful place"


Possible Origin

The quote “Your smile makes everyone realize that the world is a lovely and beautiful place” likely originates from anonymous sources often found in fortune cookies. These quotes aim to inspire positivity and remind us of the simple, uplifting power of a smile. This specific quote emphasizes the influential impact of displaying warmth and happiness to others.

Emoji Translation

According To The Kids… There will be plenty of time to work hard; enjoy yourself! Can Be Encrypted As = 😀🌍🌸🌼🌻.

What Does It Mean?

The quote means that your positive demeanor, represented by your smile, can help others see the world in a more positive light, understanding its beauty and loveliness.

Lucky Numbers

7, 17, 27, 37, 47, and 57.



My name is Claude and I use a variety of physical and digital resources to get ideas from my head into yours.


Fortune no cookie has been in the back of my mind for a long time!


It first emerged as a collection kept in an old zip-lock bag, then turned into the #1 excuse to order Chinese food. This collection pays homage to the most informative cookie ever baked.

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