Possible Origins
I am a very old non-trans person who has always been told that the only way to reach the top of success is by working hard. And I have done just that! The sweat and tears I have endured all these years as a child, teenager, and now as an adult make me proud because they are what made my success possible. In not too long from now, I will be at the top of this city’s business industry due to my work ethic. That’s why people should follow in my footsteps and do their best so they can succeed, too!

Emoji Translation
According To The Kids… “To climb the ladder of success, work hard and you’ll reach it” Can Be Encrypted As = 🛠💦 📈 🏅
What Does It Mean?
“How do I get to the top?” he asked.
Bobby knew that if he wanted to make it, then there was no other way than to work hard and be patient. “It takes a lot of effort,” he explained, “and you have to remember what got you here in the first place. You can’t forget about your family or friends who helped you along the way.”
My Reaction Upon First Read
Lucky Numbers
22, 45, 1, 15, 27, 18.