Possible Origins
I’m proud that I could buy a townhouse at age 27. I vividly remember that even though I barely had furniture, the house felt different from an apartment. Upon my return, I felt more nomadic than when I lived on the road. While looking for a job, I took my pillow to house sitting gigs, my family and friends’ couches.
It was like coming home each time but this time it was true because of all the memories we were making in our new place together; people would come over and bring food or sit around playing games while listening to music and cooking in our kitchen–just like we imagined it would be when we first saw this place with its high ceilings and wide open spaces where you can

Emoji Translation
According To The Kids… “Your Home Is A Pleasant Place From Which You Draw Happiness.” Can Be Encrypted As = 🏡🙋
What Does It Mean?
You know that feeling when you walk into your home after a long day of activity? The smell of home cooking mixed with the fresh scent of furniture polish. You know that feeling, don’t you?
That’s what my mom always told me that it meant to be at ‘peace’ in one’s own surroundings. When I was little, she would chant this verse over and over again before bedtime: I am happy in my house!
It is pleasant here with me!We are not afraid of our enemies; We have no worries about anything at all!’
My Reaction Upon First Read
Lucky Numbers
15, 22, 35, 54, 83, 26.